#CRAMATHON is created for the booktube community by WhittyNovels in order to reach or at least get closer to finishing your Goodreads challenge and I found out about it on PeruseProject booktube channel. I'm already 7 books ahead of schedule but this looked really fun so I wanted to participate (even though I don't have a booktube channel).
For this #CRAMATHON (which starts on July 10th at 12 AM midnight and ends on July 13th at 11:59 PM) there are 7 challenges:
1. Read a children's book
2. Read a hardback
3. Read 2 books in 24 hours
4. Read a graphic novel
5. Read a book written in verse
6. Read a novella
7. Read 5 books total
Hopefully I will manage to complete these challenges and below are some of the books that are going to help me do that.

The children's book I will pick up is "The Miserable Mill" ("A Series of Unfortunate Events" #4) by Lemony Snicket. I don't know if that is cheating since I will listen to the audiobook...oh well. I may also continue with book 5 after that since audiobooks are quick to finish.
"The Chambermaid" by Markus Orths will be my hardback pick. I've wanted to read this one for so long but they've never had it in the library, so finally I bought it myself. I couldn't find an edition of the book in English on Goodreads...may be it's not translated. This is the bulgarian cover and it's actually the edition I have.
And last but not least "07-Ghost" Volume 3 by Yuki Amemiya and Yukino Ichihara is my graphic novel pick. I'm loving the series so far...well, I've watched the anime and it's one of my favorites, so of course I like the manga.
So, this is my TBR for the #CRAMATHON for now. I will keep you updated on my progress with another blog posts since I don't have a twitter...
Leave me a comment below if you are participating and what are your picks for the challanges :)
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