The Book Traveling Thursdays meme is created by Danielle at Danielle’s Book Blog and Catia at TheGirlWhoReadTooMuch. Every week you choose a book for your blog post that fits the weekly theme (which you can find in the Goodreads group), you share why you chose that book and finally post picture of the original cover, the covers from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover.

"Yesterday was Cuddle Up Day!! Choose a book that makes you feel warm and cozy."
I love to cuddle up in a blanket and read some books. And there are a lot of books, that make me feel warm and cozy and happy. Today I'm going to choose "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott.
I love to cuddle up in a blanket and read some books. And there are a lot of books, that make me feel warm and cozy and happy. Today I'm going to choose "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott.
Original Cover:

I like these old books. They are simple, but they look pretty good.
Bulgarian Covers:

The first one is my favorite Bulgarian cover. I adore it. The rest of the Bulgarian covers don't appeal to me.
Favorite Covers:

1) Japanese 2) Russian 3) Thai 4) US 5) US
They are all perfect. The color scheme, the art, the font...I love them!
Least Favorite Cover:

1) Bengali 2) Arabic
If I have to describe these covers with one word, it will be awful. I really don't like them.
If you have a Book Traveling Thursdays blog post, share it in the comments. I would love to check it out :)
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