Hello lovely bookworms! It's leisure time, so I'm coming here with a tag just for fun! I was not tagged by anyone (surprise, surprise), but I enjoyed reading the answers for this tag at Book Coma and My Tiny Obsessions, so I decided to steal it away as usual.
The 12 Days of Christmas Book Tag was created last year by Ashley at Falling Down The Book Hole, so thank you Ashley for creating this lovely tag!
On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: A partridge in a pear tree.
The partridge stood alone in the pear tree. What is you favorite stand alone?
I have too many favorites in this department, but since I love emotional reads so much, I decided to pick "Please Look After Mom" by Kyung-sook Shin for this one.
This is a really, really emotional read, which I suggest you read without even looking at the synopsis. I was crying like a person, suffering from severe depression throughout the whole book!
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Two turtle doves.
Love is in the air! Who is your one true pairing?
Lara & Peter are just so perfect together. For the love of God, please, don't tell me what happens in the next book, because if they don't end up together I will very much appreciate it to be devastated while reading the book and not beforehand...
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Three French hens.
In the spirit of threes, what is the best trilogy you have read?
You expected this one, didn't you? I can not lie, this trilogy is amazing.
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Four calling birds.
Since series usually consist of four or more books, what is your favourite series?
I talk way too much about this series, but I love it. For those of you who don't know, this is "The Demon Cycle" series by Peter V. Brett
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Five golden rings.
One ring to rule them all! Who is your Favorite Villain/Antagonist?
Bellatrix is my favorite villain of all time! I adore her - she is evil, she is crazy...and the actress is damn brilliant!

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Six geese laying.
Creation is a beautiful thing. What is your favourite world/world-building?
Yeah, there is no way I'm choosing anything different for this question. I mean, this is "Harry Potter"!!!
I bet that there is no person who's read the book or at least watched the movies, and remained indifferent to it.
I want to go to Hogwarts, you want to go to Hogwarts, we all want to go there!
And I will admit, I was very depressed after watching the movie, because I didn't get a letter...My owl must have gotten lost or something...
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Seven swans a swimming.
Who needs seven swans when all it takes is one good animal sidekick? Who’s your favourite animal sidekick?
My favorite sidekick animal is Manchee and he is this loving dog in the "Chaos Walking" series by Patrick Ness. I would very much appreciate it if I ever have an animal friend like him....
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Eight maids a milking.
Milk is so 18th century. Which book or series takes beverages/food to a whole new level?
I haven't read a lot of books about food, but "Sushi For Beginners" by Marian Keyes is a really good book. It's a chick-lit and has nothing to do with sushi, except the fact the some of the main characters love eating it...
I do have a book about cupcakes, which I love...but I haven't read it all and it's just a book with recipes...
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Nine ladies dancing.
Dancing is just one skill of a Lady! Who is your favourite kickass female lead?
I don't read a lot of books with female leads, because I prefer my leads to be male - preferable physically strong and mentally a little bit broken.
But Juliette from "Wool" by Hugh Howey is pretty amazing. She is smart, she has guts, she knows how to survive, she is compassionate...what's not to love...
This book is a really good Dystopian novel, so if you have a chance, definitely give it a try.
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Ten lords a leaping.
How about your favourite leading lad?
I love Cale, he is BAE!!!
He is just my type of male lead. Not too perfect, but perfect enough for me. He has some development throughout the books, which is a huge plus.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: Eleven pipes piping.
What is your favourite book or bookish thing with musical influence? (It can be about music, reference music a lot etc.)
I don't really have one...but since Sebastian is one of my favorite characters from any manga or anime, I will just say:
"Please, Sebastian! Play some violin for me!"
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: 12 drummers drumming.
Drum roll please…what is your favourite read of this year?
"The Daylight War" by Peter V. Brett. I won't even say sorry for choosing this one for the nth time this year as my favorite. Because it is. I read it at the beginning of the year and nothing came close to it.
There you have it! That was the 12 Days of Christmas Book Tag! I tag everyone to do it!!!
I still need to finish Dreams of Gods and Monsters - I just don't want it to end! :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I've nominated you for The Liebster Award. You really deserve it!
Thank you so much ^.^ I was a little bit disappointed by "Dreams of Gods and Monsters" actually. It was not as good as the previous two books :(