Top 5 Wednesdays was created by gingerreadsLainey and there is a Goodreads group where you can find a list of participants as well as Top 5 Wednesday topics.

Winter is already upon us and Christmas is knocking on the door. It's time to share some of my favorite books, that somehow remind me of the very much loved Christmas holidays.
Let's get down to business.
Let's get down to business.
“Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling
I'm not only sure that everybody expected this one as my first choice, but I'm also sure that it's on everybody's list. If there is anyone out there who says that this is not a Christmassy read, he is lying.
“A Little Princess” by Frances Hodgson Burnett
This is my all time favorite middle grade book. I've read it a dozen times and every single one of them I feel so warm inside. Feelings overdose! I have a strong desire to reread it again soon, so stay tuned for full review.
“Little Women" series by Louisa May Alcott
Christmas holidays are all about being together with your family. When I read this series, I feel like one of the sisters. The first time I've read these books was actually around Christmas, so winter brings me very nostalgic feelings regarding this series.
“Poison” by Chris Wooding
The reason for choosing this book is that it reminds me a lot of the fairy-tales I used to read when I was a child. It was a really pleasant read. a little bit creepy, but definitely worth the read.
“Обича ме, не ме обича” by Дамян Дамянов
“Обича ме, не ме обича” by Дамян Дамянов
("Loves me, loves me not" by Damyan Damyanov)
This is a little book in Bulgarian, which I really loved. It's full of poetry about love. I've read it on Valentine's day a couple of years ago and it's one of the few poetry books that I liked. Since all we need is love, this book is the perfect read, if we want a little bit of joy in our lives.
I'm really sorry that this book is not translated in any other language, but I think that other poetry books about love are also really appropriate for the holidays.
These are my top 5 books to read by the fire. What were your picks for this topic? Share your Top 5 Wednesday in the comments :)
I love to read the Little Women series during the winter time. (probably because thats when I read it for school.)
ReplyDeleteLittle Women, Harry Potter and A Little Princess are such classic reads, perfect for winter time :)
ReplyDeleteYou can check out my picks here:
Sarah | Sarah's Chapter
Also had Harry Potter on my list. I think it is because I really want to be at the Great Hall during Christmas!
ReplyDeleteFeel free to look at my list here:
Yay for Christmas at the Great Hall! Also, I won't mind getting one of the Weasley sweaters as present :D