Todays topic is "Books That Celebrate Diversity/Diverse Characters". Now this is an interesting topic. I have read that kind of books but not as many as I would have liked. Still, I found even more than ten that deserve to be in this list.

“Still Alice” by Lisa Genova
This is a heartbreaking book about a woman with Alzheimer’s disease. I have never read a book in which the main character suffers from this disease so I didn't know what to expect...I was crying almost throughout the whole book. If you haven't read it - do it - because it's way better than the movie.
“The Phantom of the Opera” by Gaston Leroux
I've watched the movie a thousand times - it's one of my absolute favorites. There is no need to say that I love the Phantom. How can you not?! I know he is not the best person in the world but he has gone through so much and despite all the bad things he does I still think he is a good person who just needed to be loved...
“Angelhead: My Brother's Descent into Madness” by Greg Bottoms
I stumbled upon this book in the library and I'm so happy I did. Not only is the story about a boy suffering from schizophrenia, but it's a non fiction. It's very well written and very, very real. This is not a very well known book - it has like 550 rating on Goodreads, but if you have a chance to read it - do it.
“Sarah's Key” by Tatiana de Rosnay
Ths is another heartbreaking book and it's about the Holocaust. Like any other book about this topic it's not a happy one and it's not easy to read because you know that even if it's fiction those kind of things did happen. Again, if you have a chance to read this book - do it, because it's really, really good.
“Dark Walker” by Hikaru Yura and Hirotaka Kisaragi
This is yaoi novel with very, very explicit content. For those who don't know what yaoi is - it's a Japanese genre of fictional media focusing on romantic or sexual relationships between male characters. It's not for everyone, but it's definitely my guilty pleasure. I haven't read that much books in this genre but I love them all and this one is among my favorites.

“Last Chance Saloon” by Marian Keyes
This book is one of my favorite chick-lits. It's about a group of four friends and one of them is gay - and it's also like the funniest character in the book. It was my first Marian Keyes book and it's very well loved (after 1-2 more reads the book may start falling apart). If you are into chick-lits and you haven't read this one - give it a chance.
“The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls
This book is a memoir and I chose to include it in the list beause it's really well written and the story is about people living in absolute poverty. The parents do not take care of their children - like not at all - yet the children manage to prosper when they are old enough to leave their parents behind. The story is very real and you can actually feel for the characters.
“Wonder” by R.J. Palacio
There was no way not to include this book. I have no doubt in my mind that everyone who've read it loves Auggie - the main character of the book - a child with facial abnormality. There are no words - I still got tears in my eyes when I think about this book. It's so sad - Auggie just wants to have a normal life and friends and all that good stuff, but it's not easy for him to have those. I feel that anybody who reads this book will become a better person after finnishing it.
“Me Before You” by Jojo Moyes
Another heartbreaking book. It is a contemporary romance, but it's very well written and I feel that even if that's not your cup of tea you will love this book.
“House Rules” by Jodi Picoult
This is one of my favorite Jodi Picoult books. It's about a kid with Asperger's syndrome and his way of thinking is different from the normal people...and that kind of gets him into trouble. He is misunderstood a dozen of times just because his perception of truth is a little bit strange. He is such a nice person, although his feelings and thoughts differ from what people think is normal.
So, those were my top ten books with diverse characters. Please share in the comments if I'm not the only one who've read and loved them. Other comments are appreciated as well :)
Wow you have stolen my ideas! House Rules and Me Before You will feature on my list too! :)
ReplyDeleteHouse Rules is one of the few JP books I haven't got to yet, I need to soon! I've seen the movie of Still Alice but never read the book.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/07/21/top-ten-tuesday-14/
You should definitely read "House Rules". I saw a lot of JP books on your list so I think you will like this one, too. And the book "Still Alice" is way better than the movie in my opinion...but may be that's because I don't like Kristen Stewart :D