I'm here with yet another book tag, because they are always so much fun to do. Dashing Through The Snow Book Tag was created by Astra at A Stranger's Guide to Novels and I found out about this tag from Cristina at My Tiny Obsessions, who was so kind to tag everybody.
1. Name a book you woukd like to see under the Christmas tree
All of them! Now seriously, I actually already know what books are going to be there and they are the first three books in "The Legend of Eli Monpress" series by Rachel Aaron. I found out about this series on our Christmas book fair and I really liked the premise, so when my sister asked me what I want for Christmas I decided to go with these books.
2. Name a book you'll be reading during the Christmas season
I have a December TBR and as always I won't be able to read all of the books I've planned to. I'm currently reading "Blood Eagle" by Craig Russell and when I finish it I might read "Bundori" by Laura Joh Rowland. We'll see.
3. Name your favorite Christmas movie
I've just posted about my favorite Christmas movies, but if you haven't checked that out yet, my favorite Christmas movie is definitely "Love Actually".
4. Do you like snow?
I love snow, but I hate it when it melts.

5. Name a character you would like to spend your Christmas day with
I would love to spend a whole Christmas vacation with the Weasleys. Enough said!

6. To give or receive
I love giving presents, the problem is that I'm having a hard time choosing them. Last year I surprised my boyfriend's roommates. They were gone for the holidays and when they returned they found their presents on their beds. They didn't expect this at all and seeing their surprised happy faces made me feel really good :)
7. What fictional place would you like to spend Christmas at?
Hogwarts, hands down! I mean, who wouldn't love being there for Christmas?!
8. Fondest Christmas memory?
Does the one above count? Because it is my most recent one and definitely made me feel very happy.
9. Can you say Christmas tree ten times fast in a row (pronouncing it correctly)?
After the fifth time my tongue twisted and I gave up :D
Since this is such a lovely tag, I want to tag Geraldine at Corralling Books, because she is such a sweet person.
If Christmas season is your favorite, consider yourself tagged as well! Please, share a link if you do this tag. I'll be happy to read it!
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